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California Annual Conference 2024

"What Matters Most is What Happens Next"

May 30 - June 1, 2024
Palo Alto, CA

Welcome to all guests, clergy, and delegates who will be gathered for the 156th Session of the California Conference of the Western Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church from May 30 to June 1, 2024. Your participation marks a significant commitment to our shared values of fellowship, spiritual growth, and pursuing God's mission. We sincerely appreciate all of your dedicated service and hard work this conference year and look forward to hosting you in Palo Alto.

We are also privileged to extend a heartfelt welcome to our esteemed Presiding Prelate, Bishop Brian R. Thompson Sr., and Missionary Supervisor, Rev. Felica R. Thompson. Their exceptional leadership and profound spiritual insight will significantly guide us through this Holy Conference.



Bishop Thompson has laid the theme out for this Annual Conference as "WHAT MATTERS MOST IS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT." We are excited to embrace this theme and receive rich teachings and direction from our Episcopal Leaders.


University has gathered a committed team to thoughtfully prepare for you. We aim to ensure a spiritually enriching and uplifting experience for everyone involved. We have endeavored to create an environment that fosters deep connection, thoughtful dialogue, and a renewed sense of purpose.

As we gather, let us open our hearts and minds to the teachings and blessings that lie ahead. This conference represents a unique opportunity for growth, reflection, and strengthening our collective mission. May our time together honor our Annual Conference's rich heritage and inspire us toward a future filled with hope and action.

We seek God's grace and wisdom to guide us throughout this conference as we unite in faith and strengthen Zion Methodism.

With the warmest of welcomes,

Rev. Kaloma A. Smith, Pastor,

University A.M.E. Zion Church



Nestled in the dynamic heart of Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, CA, UNIVERSITY AME ZION CHURCH represents a beacon of faith and community. Inspired by the transformative words of Psalm 126, our church embodies the essence of hope and renewal —envisioning a community uplifted by God's grace, where joy and laughter fill our spirits, and songs of joy echo through our gatherings.


At UNIVERSITY AME ZION CHURCH, our core commitment is to radiate the love of Christ to those who may have drifted from faith or have yet to discover its embrace. Our approach to living out this commitment is encapsulated in our mission: to REACH our Community, CARE for People, and GROW in Christ. This mission breathes life into our actions and gatherings, fostering a vibrant multicultural congregation that celebrates diversity. Our church is a mosaic of individuals 

What is the Quadrennial Banquet?

The Quadrennial Banquet is an esteemed event where members, delegates, and guests gather every four years to celebrate our achievements and honor our Episcopal Leadership, our Presiding Prelate Bishop Brian R. Thompson. This year's theme, "Excellence Personified: A B.L.A.C.K. Tie Affair," promises an evening of elegance and inspiration at the Mitchell Park Community Center. Guests will enjoy an art gallery showcasing the Bishop's tenure, engaging speakers, tribute videos, and lively entertainment, all while dressed in formal black tie attire. It's a celebration not to be missed as we come together to reflect on our shared journey and look toward a bright future.

Get your tickets now

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